2 Extreme idiots

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
6,832 Views 1 decade ago Funny

Yet another chapter in the annals of exteme idiots is completed. These 2 morons prove why it is not very smart to go off on some huge jump half assed. You are doomed to a cement sandwich.

  • misterbriggs June 8, 2007

    hahahahahahaha you faggot french frog. too bad you didnt split your head

  • commoneagle June 7, 2007

    ooops again lots of mistakes inmy writing may need to slow down a bit but why???i am not sure.

  • commoneagle June 7, 2007

    joe you made I and there's no shade what ya gonna do now... your might have ta kill your self for there is no more highs to top number one on the crazyshit peanut gallereia.... yuck yuck awh but your last comment makes it all worth while no.... it makes such perfect sense that it goes full circle and appears to be gibberish... wow how impressive.... you may need to live for somthing after all..... oh well there is my senseless comment for the moment of charm and viewing of clowns in the first degree number one idiot on bikes and skis..... do i make sense...not sure was so astounded by the video it made my head swimm.... or not....

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