Behold the power of chi

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
8,327 Views 1 decade ago Asians

Ever heard of that mysterious chi power certain chinese masters and dragonball heroes posses? Well guess what? It ain't gonna do you shit in a real fight. This is the Kiai Master Yanagiryuke... Show more

  • commoneagle June 7, 2007

    oops the video forgot about it becasue of the first spot which is likely the most higly read spot of them all it is for sure read a much higher percentage of the time that any other especially when there are say twenty five comments... your chances of having some one read you comment in the 30th spot are even slimmer... so thos who think first slot is meaningless why don't you try to be last or some tact as stupid as you are....

  • commoneagle June 7, 2007

    dj_busta_nutt wrote:

    yeah baby first!!! ive always wanted to be first and rave about it like an idiot!!! funny tho, now i feel like a completedouchbag......

    .................................. want to know the only thing that makes you and idiot when calling first is when you don't have wit... or brains.... or and cleaver bones in your head and you have to talk the practice of calling first down like a witless brain less dildo fool and clownastic bastard.

    no wit no charm not clearver comments to find in a head that has only space between the ears is what makes posting first comments stupid...posting first with a witty and fitting comment that blends the first position comment with the video content is cool but fools can's see that.... it is kind of like intellegence in general it takes inttelegene to recognize intellegenc.... and by the way it takes a whiner to worry aboitu spelling grammar and such if the content can be determined without much struggel... see now spein don't matter unless the reader is a retard who can't read past teh mistake.s

  • tajfl June 7, 2007

    hahahahaha stupid chi master:)

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