two Houston Police Officers in uniform and riding in a marked patrol vehicle observed a suspicious vehicle in a location known to them for narcotics activity. The vehicle pursuit continued w...two Houston Police Officers in uniform and riding in a marked patrol vehicle observed a suspicious vehicle in a location known to them for narcotics activity. The vehicle pursuit continued when the suspect’s vehicle suddenly spun around, stopping directly in front of, and facing the police vehicle. As officers were placing their vehicle in park, the suspect began to fire multiple shots through his front windshield and into the officers’ front windshield. The suspect (Anthony J. Garcia, 34) was armed with a VSKA AK-style pistol. Garcia is charged with two counts of attempted capital murder of a police officer, felony evading arrest in a motor vehicle and felon in possession of a weapon
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didn't even see the ak
csgo eco round
Dam these cops are some filthy animals.