Have you seen the new i-phone?

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
5,502 Views 1 decade ago Funny

Unless you've been living in a cave you have probably seen all the commercials for this fascinating gadget. Here is a small demonstration of the features.

  • snortaline August 18, 2007

    drunk driving is so cool

  • joecommonsense July 5, 2007

    1.6 million more women driving and yapping at the same time. Dildo buisness must be suffereing.

  • joecommonsense July 5, 2007

    didn't buy it, don't want one, not impressed, don't care for it, keep my money in my pocket and my eyes on the road, 1.6 million more bitches driving the dildo buisness down the tubes, hahahaha, i just thought of that one. What i really don't understand is why do people keep buying a product that keeps coming out with defects? I'll take the guts out of my nokia 8010 and put them in a plastic ipod case and say its the new 2008 Nokia and suckers will buy it and find out it doesn't work, and then I'll call it the new and improved 2009 model and people will still buy it?

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