I never thought I would see such a thing but there it is. Wait a minute... That's a hawk hunting down a deer. I would almost thing the hawk would break under the weight of something that big...I never thought I would see such a thing but there it is. Wait a minute... That's a hawk hunting down a deer. I would almost thing the hawk would break under the weight of something that big. Lets just hope he doesn't decide to start tackling humans.
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before you say, 'hey joe, wtf u talkin about'?, take two pens and pinch it somewhere on your neck, then think about a hawk's beak that just ripps a peice of the neck out. Try it with your fingers you might give yourself a headacke though.
69er wrote:
wow them amizon forrest wet back fuckers would be hunting for that ... last of the mochicans brother eagle
it sounds like norwegen that there speaking
before you say, 'hey joe, wtf u talkin about'?, take two pens and pinch it somewhere on your neck, then think about a hawk's beak that just ripps a peice of the neck out. Try it with your fingers you might give yourself a headacke though.