CrazyShit's Dumbfuck of the Week

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
7,849 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

This weeks Dumbfuck moment is brought to you by the guy who didn't know any better than to not stand in front of a moving car. Hopefully it was stupid friends driving the car s... Show more

  • jctbay July 14, 2007

    that guy got fucked up guaranteed... multiple fractures below the waist and who knows what what above that. at least jump Fool...let's all do our part and support MC HAMMERS Comeback!

  • commoneagle July 14, 2007

    it is possible to avoid most injury in such an event when ready for it.... just think about going with the flow just like how these dudes are doing the back flips from great heights.... same pricipal applies with the flow.... go with it and shit you may not even bang the car up too bad... so i guess i am retracting my previous statment and reiderate with it may not be impossible to escape unscathed... please scuse the spelling sintax grammer in my writing...

  • commoneagle July 14, 2007

    crystalee23 wrote:

    1st & Why?

    why to be stupid doing stupid shit to try and make a buck on the video...way insane... risk shit for money and really how much can they make of this vid...not a hell of a bunch since there are many others already.

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