0:52 Fat girl on a rope swing. That has never once in history worked and it's never going to work. How the hell do you girls think you have the grip strength to hold up 300 pounds on a skinny rope? Not going to happen. Ever. (136 kilo girls, for my international friends)
Never get tired of watching cyclist do somersaults over cars in traffic. Last crash seemed on purpose. And no I don't hate bikers but watching this shit happen over and over becomes funny.
0:52 Fat girl on a rope swing. That has never once in history worked and it's never going to work. How the hell do you girls think you have the grip strength to hold up 300 pounds on a skinny rope? Not going to happen. Ever. (136 kilo girls, for my international friends)
Never get tired of watching cyclist do somersaults over cars in traffic. Last crash seemed on purpose. And no I don't hate bikers but watching this shit happen over and over becomes funny.
Bullseye on the second video with that tire coming out of nowhere, lol...