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crazyshit User Avatar
177,501 Views 2 years ago Assholes / BITCHES BE CRAZY
  • fast_eddie215 July 12, 2023

    fuck them all

  • isolino103 July 5, 2023

    Planet of the Apes came out 1969. Our cities have literally been taken over by apes. It’s no longer there goes the neighborhood, it’s now there goes the country. How could we believe the outright lie, they are just like us. When they don’t even look human. Ok, so they don’t look human but they act inhuman. Humans build, animals destroy. They haven’t built a civilization, no written form of language, no mathematics, not even invented the wheel. So who the hell presented the greatest lie of our time….they are just like us. And with that , encourage their breeding. Who the hell is responsible for that!!! I hate the idea that China now owns us. But the great light from that is they will destroy these subhumans as a thing that should be extinct as homo erectus. And your daughter won’t bring one of these animals home. That’s looking at the bright side.

  • snatchmonster June 13, 2023 wTF NE E D INTEAL

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