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crazyshit User Avatar
121,701 Views 1 year ago Assholes / PUSSY PASSES DENIED
  • i_eat_ass December 27, 2023

    LoL I mean, I can't stand cops.. no, I'm no cRiMiNaL that wants lawlessness blah blah.. whatever you politically indoctrinated fucking sheep say.. but what the fuck do you expect? Yeah, the stupid cunt was shoved a little for being close.. then she asked nicely to get charged with aSsAuLtInG the pig.. (good thing there were phones out, we all know how 'terrified for their life' these coward fucking pigs are and all.. anyway, I'm with the husband.. he had that fucking swine down with ease and began smashing that pig face as I would have done too for punching my stupid twat of a wife.. anyway.. lmao these pigs justified or not.. what an embarrassment.. the ONLY pigs that are actual cops are the ones that served a REAL entity.. the fagot thin blue line is the most corrupted, unlawful, abusive, murderous and above the law gang on earth.. strange too.. I mean, they are the most cowardly and soft gang on earth too.. lmfao at their 'training'.. I'll take the boys, who have REAL combat training, expertise, tabs to boot and experience, any fucking day over a sQuAd of piggies.. the boys'll be on top 10/10 times too.. the odds have to be unbelievably stacked against for the thin blue line to stand against.. give me 8 to 12 against 50 ..hang on, lemme laugh.. ahahahahahahaha.. ok.. against 50 sWaTt piggies and I would literally put my life on the fact the boys would treat it like fish in a barrel..

    P.S. lol @ whoever tries(and fails) to counter this factual reality.. yeah, I'm an idiot for even speaking on this shit.. but facts are facts. There's a reason why a certain genre of people will thrive in a post apocalyptic scenario.. and others won't..

  • daydreams251 December 16, 2023

    The American desire to be the gallant man to defend your lady against evil, is not the same as being a macho man defending your hoe against repercussions.

  • 1kunthare October 29, 2023

    Did he really clock that first bitch? Or did she just trip over her fat ass when he got up. I didn't see any connection between face and fist unless it was hidden.

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