Your Daily Beer Shits, how not to swallow crack, and water is for suckas

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
54,756 Views 1 decade ago CRAZYSHIT PRODUCTIONS

As if I didn't already know it finally came out that the whole drink eight glasses of water a day is a bunch of horseshit. On top of that we tell you how not to swallow crack. For the grand ... Show more

  • eatme April 7, 2008

    ^^^They didn't say you don't need it dickwad! They said it doesn't do all those great things they used to say it did for you. Of course we all need water. So do the aliens. Why do you think they keep coming to earth? They need the water for fuel!!

  • commoneagle April 6, 2008

    no matter what anyone says some one will try to say it ain't true... water it is good for you anyone who says it isn't is not doing their homework.. nay sayer are a dime a doesn shit minnieapolace... a place on earth.. dozen..that it... anyhoway our bodies need water to do most of the bodies function and the science is stong that proves its value don't let some fucktard try to say different... fukin clowns.. testing gulibility is their pastime.. dont belive it is not needed can live like maybe as much as 8 days without food water is counted in hours when it is hot out or dry desert conditions only a few hours with out water and good night for ever... i call bull shit on that water lie as if you couln't already tell...

  • desibdemented April 4, 2008

    Wow I'm kinda worried that Crazy Shit shits more times a week than I do :(

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