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crazyshit User Avatar
68,001 Views 1 year ago Police

A civilian witness called 911 and reported that a subject, later identified as 38-year-old Lorne Gordon was observed walking around and holding a pair of scissors in a manner which was conce... Show more

  • bwcdaddy September 24, 2024

    Well one less uncivilized indigenous tribes people running around

  • i_eat_ass December 27, 2023

    LMFAO just to be clear, the 'suspect' got exactly what was coming to him.. anyway, this video is an accurate as fuck representation of the state of MOST of these gang members that label themselves tHe tHiN bLuE LiNe.. what an absolute fucking joke!

    Cops should HAVE to have significantly strong and improved requirements to be police officers.

    Starting with no less than a bachelor's in something along the lines of constitutional law..

    Next, they need to have served at least 4 years in the military and NOT as a useless NCO, food specialist etc etc.. combat experience preferred but will consider deployment to active combat zones even if contact isn't on your books.. you MUST have a minimum level of training with the tabs to boot..

    And to top it off.. having a bachelors in basic as fuck psychology..

    You have to test to stay in/sign on just like you would military when your time is served.. you can only take on 4 years at a time but testing is every 18 months.

    What do you get if these minimum requirements are met? A police force that's significantly stronger in both good character AND policing power.. you get cops that aren't anywhere near as scummy and fucked up corrupt as we have now. We get significantly less bad headlines.. the disgusting liberal race baiting media that controls these stupid fucking sheep civs will have far less cherry picking to post etc etc..

    You won't have pigs SLOW running (because they simply cannot run faster than a slow jog) to an active combatant with a weapon... With his unit radio and two cell phones in his hands.. you won't have pigs that are so awful at firing their weapon they are only taught center mass (not even to subconsciously count their rounds off) against the most minimal of threats..aka to kill what they are shooting under any and all circumstances.. you won't have pigs that don't worry at all about any consequences whatsoever because of that thing only a fucking worthless piece of shit could or would support - qualified Immunity.. not even operators get to have that.. I mean, to an extent, yes.. but I can say positively pigs are far more protected than our operators.. because they are nothing more than a gang..

    You'd have a far fucking better country than what we have now if pigs weren't allowed to be PIGS.

    Integrity.. discipline.. honor.. TRAINING that's not fucking borderline useless.. some things the USA police system doesn't have.

  • lextragon December 23, 2023


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