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7,701 Views 3 months ago User Submissions

is he for real.

  • ghunter64 May 31, 2024

    An old saying easily adapted - the only good zionist/Isreali is a dead one. So many of these fuckwits spout crap - they do not even know their own Torah. It says, very specifically - Jews should NEVER be oppressors. Folk worry about the Russian, Chinese, , even the Muslims religion taking over, fuck them; the zionist scum are set on world domination. America - how does it feel to have the Isreali cock shoved down your throat every day? ALL of you presidents have bowed to the jewish cock. Nixon warned of the jewish lobby - none of you listened. Look where your shit nation is now, supporting a murdering, raping, mutilating, thieving bunch of cowards - semper fi? What a joke of a nation.

  • rafanifischer May 31, 2024

    I am probably the only Jew on this site and I say I resemble those remarks.

  • totenkopf May 31, 2024

    Oy Vey! Rabbi Krappenshitz has loose lips.

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