I can't for the life of me understand what ANYONE finds remotely arousing about the stupidly fake 'unh yuess fug me fug me fug me' talk in the 2nd video. It's been such a cliche of porn for... at least 20 years now? Maybe 30? It sounds completely fake to anyone who has ever had sex or even overheard it on real life. And it's annoying as fuck.
The 4 chicks on the beach should do just fine thanks ... nice variety.
I can't for the life of me understand what ANYONE finds remotely arousing about the stupidly fake 'unh yuess fug me fug me fug me' talk in the 2nd video. It's been such a cliche of porn for... at least 20 years now? Maybe 30? It sounds completely fake to anyone who has ever had sex or even overheard it on real life. And it's annoying as fuck.
Autumn falls one bad bitch