World's Fastest and Longest Zipline?

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21,350 Views 1 decade ago Bad Ass Shit

I'm not so sure about the world's fastest, but it does look pretty fucking long. It just doesn't seem that fast on the video, maybe it's just the video part. But who knows, maybe it is bette... Show more

  • angelb September 7, 2009

    the sad part happydaze74 is that if i was on that- there would be numberious reports of a ufo that day...will wear a sparkly shirt just for the special effects lmfao

  • ohwickedwendi September 7, 2009

    "Hey Roger?? You got that change of pants for me over there?"

  • leadfoot September 6, 2009

    I've been in small planes that don't go that fast . Maybe CrazyShit can get us a charter flight to Sun City , whaddaya say , Jay ?

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