Tough Guy Picks Fight With 67 Year Old Bad Ass

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88,186 Views 1 decade ago Fights

This dude wins Bad Ass of the Day award right here. I'm sure he can't hear so well, and gets up a few times to pee at night. But don't go stepping to him like you are gonna throw down, becau... Show more

  • moobsmcgee September 24, 2014

    That boy had it coming. And you gotta love how he was being instigated with \"ooohhh beat that white man's ass\" he's in his 60s! First off assault on a senior is a felony second that's a respectless scum bag move if I've ever seen one. I'm glad that race garnering bitch boy got smashed. Black or white you don't disrespect and especially physically threaten your elders. Gotta love the \"woman\" calling that senior most likely a veteran a \"Pinky\". Racism is alive and thriving in America ladies and gentleman and the vast majority of it is reverse. After all it's the most socially acceptable form. I for one am Fed up with it. I am not responsible for the actions of ancestors long dead and gone for 5 generations. A lack of respect has nothing to do with melanin. You make a bad name for your race and class with individual actions not a stereotype. World star. World star!

  • 2indastink June 9, 2014

    .....fucking am you slut.

  • gangstakiller March 18, 2014

    nope your not

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