Dumbass of the Day: The Peel Out Fire Tard

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26,410 Views 1 decade ago Funny

First, turn this shit down, it's loud! Then enjoy the lamest peel out ever. Followed by a justified car catching fire. Followed by some dudes wasting beer trying to put the fire out. They sh... Show more

  •   truckingman February 22, 2010


    What the fuck? Why is there not a proper fire extinguisher in site to put fires like this out,Dumb Asses.. Also, it is hard to move the car from the fire if the assholic Biotch drive and owner of the car blow the engine block.

  •   truckingman February 22, 2010

    This shit reminds me of David of Davidsfarm killing his FWD, Front Wheel Drive, "Damn Van" in the same way, but he was trying to kill his vehicle.

    Sincerely, Robert Hallock

    the truckingman.

  •   truckingman February 22, 2010

    What the fuck? Why is there not a proper fire extinguisher in sit to put fires like this out,Dumb Asses.. Also, it is hard to more the car from the fire if the assholic Biotch drive/owner of the car blow the engine block.

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