While on a trip to Belize, the Bug Doctor here got to take home an unexpected souvenir. I can't imagine I would be as excited as this guy to squeeze out a giant bot fly from my hand. Differe...While on a trip to Belize, the Bug Doctor here got to take home an unexpected souvenir. I can't imagine I would be as excited as this guy to squeeze out a giant bot fly from my hand. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
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that would suck for him as in jerking off anyway knowing that u had a maggot near ur dick just wonder if that thing got in ur dick while u sleep uccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only the white people I notice get this shit because they travel to the nasty ass parts of Africa too much.
that would suck for him as in jerking off anyway knowing that u had a maggot near ur dick just wonder if that thing got in ur dick while u sleep uccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why the fuck didn't he take it out before it got that big? Fucker was on your HANDS how the fuck do you not SEE that??