You probably shouldn't book any vacations to Egypt for the time being. Here is some of the weekend activities in Tahir Square, where at least 14 people were killed and hundreds wounded. I th...You probably shouldn't book any vacations to Egypt for the time being. Here is some of the weekend activities in Tahir Square, where at least 14 people were killed and hundreds wounded. I thought about changing the music to something not so shitty, but then decided that I don't care if you have to listen to shitty music.
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And you bitches piss and moan about the cops here in the United States. GO FUCKING LIVE IN SOME SHIT HOLE COUNTRY FOR A WHILE. You will be thankful for the respect our law enforcement personnel show the citizens of our country.
and thats the last time you will rape my camel!!!
And you bitches piss and moan about the cops here in the United States. GO FUCKING LIVE IN SOME SHIT HOLE COUNTRY FOR A WHILE. You will be thankful for the respect our law enforcement personnel show the citizens of our country.
Damn is that Rodney King?