Israeli Police At Work

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
38,234 Views 1 decade ago Police

Why are Jews constantly so pissed off about everything? It's always, "$1.50 is too damn expensive for a bagel. No I will not fucking work on the Sabbath. Why do these asshole Palestinians al... Show more

  • munchyfox August 16, 2024

    These fucking hooked nosed Jews should all suffer in the gas chamber. They are like Woodlouse, fucking everywhere and serve no purpose. Gas the cunts, Zyklon B all around! Cheers!

  • melancholy October 8, 2023

    I come looking for some Hamas-level atrocities being committed by Israel, and this is all that people can come up with?

    I have seen photos from wars. There must be some hardcore-er shit floating around or did the Jews scrub it all from the internet? Or it only happens in some Mossad dungeon without cameras?

    Or the Jews are actually less barbaric than the Allahu Akbar's?

  • the_real_truth August 14, 2012

    The kind of police we need here in the states, all kinds of liberals here to beat and shoot.

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