Cops Really Enjoyed Beating This Asshole

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
34,872 Views 1 decade ago Police

Clearly that was a bad idea. I'm sure it wouldn't have made a difference, but somebody should tell this asshole that fighting is easier when your pants aren't hanging down below your ass. I'... Show more

  • dreamstate March 4, 2021

    Uh, beating? Where? This was a polite convo and cuffing.

  • nacho1223 March 27, 2015

    if you gonna punch a police finish the work and run ... jajaja

  • immanuelkunt September 1, 2012

    I would have tazed his nuts. I just totally get off on watching somebody getting owned by the cops. Once the cops render the guy defenseless, I wanna see 'em ensure that he is never a daddy, either by gouging his prostrate out with a broken shovel handle, or simply making sure his nuts are 10-7 for the rest of his miserable days. Of course, it's nothing like watching a cop waste a fucking dog with his weapon, but it's a pretty good start.

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