Target Employee Bitch Slapped By Katt Williams

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
50,091 Views 1 decade ago Celebrities

Probably most of you don't know or don't give a shit who Katt Williams is, and I put myself in that category with you, but I'm posting this video of him slapping a Target employee anyway. Ma... Show more

  • mrbeefy August 3, 2019

    If you let that tiny goblin, who got his ass kicked by a 15 year old btw, slap you and don't stuff him in some kind of trash bin, just turn in your counterfeit man card at the male feminist women's shelter for women who were once called a cunt, where you got it.

  • frank n. stein September 4, 2017

    How do you know it him??

    He went to jail for breaking, entering & theft.

  • donunderstan December 5, 2012

    Kat is fuckin up! Got hit down SoCal, got hung up in Sacto, and just got his dick stuck in Seattles meat grinder. Who sold the Nig that bad shit?

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