Chef Steve Is Cooking Up Some Nachos

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
16,143 Views 1 decade ago Funny

The Food Network is hot right now, and all kinds of chefs are getting on TV and sharing their recipes. This one might be a little advanced for you guys, but if you can follow along, you'll h... Show more

  •   dozer67 December 8, 2012

    No thankyou I'll have Taco Bell.. Better for you, than that mess.. Look at that guy making it, his brain is clogged with liquid cheese..

  • puddles December 6, 2012

    That's some serious conspiracy shit you got goin' on there clitty, I'm impressed. You usually have to go to shape shifter sites to see that kind of talent. Kudos

  • unknown December 6, 2012

    ^^In fact Vegemite is made out of yeast extract and additives yes indeed, invented by locals in my home town Sarina Queensland, but was first made commercial to the rest of Australia from the Factory in Sarina by an AMERICAN company we all know "KRAFT", I should know because I used to work for CSR Distillery in Sarina where I was the Work Place Health and Safety BIQ manager and I over watched the removal of the old factory, once again the United States corrupted DUPONT chemical companies invade our country and feed us full of chemicals which cause itching and migraines so we will continue to purchase head ache pills and ointments.

    I'm on your side believe it or not, but unless you stop drinking and eating these poisons you will always be controlled by the Chemist's of our world.

    All Austalian's grow up on Vegemite, and american company poison, this is most likely what is wrong with our children, but that's exactly what the plan always was, I'm sure United States children have their own poison, in fact we all eat chocolate and caffeine, have any of you noticed over the last two years that Cadbury chocolate now has a weird chemical smell and young people around the world are all behaving like they are hypnotised by bright lights, I know as a young person I was never that stupid, nor were my friends who are now more stupid than they ever where, something is going on people of the world, it's in the food.

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