Drunk And Angry Bitch Behind The Wheel

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
18,506 Views 1 decade ago Drink & Drugs

Drunk bitches are so damn volatile. I have to wonder how all this drama started. Actually, now that I think about it, there might not have even been any conflict there. It's just a woman try... Show more

  • madcat December 27, 2012

    Could any one see whot was going on there.

  • anomalous December 27, 2012

    Did ya ever notice that when the police show up, the party's over?

  • buttplugger December 27, 2012

    This guy could have given the video evidence to those police. I'm sure they might have been able to extract the plate # I doubt it but at least they'll try. AND Why the hell wouldn't you just stand behind the pole and let them smash into it? She runs out into the street, then onto the sidewalk and almost gets run over. LOL

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