Turkish Police Beat The Shit Out Of Protesters

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
25,345 Views 1 decade ago Police

The police in Turkey like to meet up and have a good time beating the fuck out protesters with their batons. At least they didn't arrest them. I guess they've got that going for them.

  • ohwickedwendi June 28, 2013

    Must have run short on donuts

  • mikem1919 June 27, 2013

    These Turkish police should come to California and beat the shit out of the Armenians in Glendale!

  • killtacular June 27, 2013

    apparently, the majority of the Turkey protests are staged. The "Riots" at any rate, are being perpetrated by undercover officers pretending to be pissed off protesters, because the actual protesters are so peaceful that the government there can't legally do a fuckin' thing about it, so they're staging riots to try and make it look like the peaceful protesters aren't so peaceful so that they can 'do something about it'.

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