He Made His Head Disappear

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
34,358 Views 1 decade ago Extreme Content

The story here is something like this guy's girlfriend broke up with him, so he went looking for her at work and blew his own head off with a grenade. I don't get these guys who kill themsel... Show more

  • unknown November 16, 2013

    Did you hear "SMELLA-VISION" is coming to "Crasyshit" and Englishgent is supplying the smell for free.

  • unknown November 16, 2013

    What no bites…Ummm?

    Not good, this might mean I'll have to try plan "B"

    And I haven't been kicked off yet, well that's because Adam is asleep still…Ummmm?

    What's going on in the Forums, I'll bet they're posting lots of pictures of nothing still, Highschool stuff you know!

  • unknown November 16, 2013

    @fuck up cockinron, you are still pretending to be a soldier and all you are is an obese child who masterbates off to his grandmother's underwear all day long.

    What the fuck would you know, and if it was a grenade then why does he still have hands, or do you think he could fit one in his mouth, fucking dickhead, this is a 12Gauge shot gun at point blank, with large shot pellets.

    Every fucking day you go on with this bullshit, aren't you tired of being YOU?

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