That Was A Bad Idea

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
36,030 Views 1 decade ago Fights

I guess nobody ever taught this little fucker to pick on someone his own size. Instead he decides to talk shit to a couple brothers twice as big as him, and a midget. And now it's time to ta... Show more

  • joe_blow23 June 28, 2019

    all that shit , and he went after the midget. :D

  • captianchaoz March 21, 2015

    Again, a sucker punch is not any form of fighting.It is the way cowards fight that feel over challenged.If you do a sucker punch, it can be accepted if the person did harm to you or someone you love with no real reason.When I was in High School, we always gave space between us to fight, even if we got in each others face.What happened?Wimp ass new generation "THUGS" HAHA DORKS!!! BAN RAP MUSIC AND THE VIDEOS, give tickets to saggy fag ass pants wearing losers!!!If we could get rid of gangs and Rap music, the jail and prison population of hard repeat offenders and stop wasting money on keeping them alive, what a wonderful world it would be...Now other countries are getting plauged with this Rap music video saggy sit pants loser fad.When will it end?Stupid idiots said Rock music was bad when I was young, what about the modern shit Rap Crap Videos?

  • fucdafed July 12, 2014

    sad but true,nigger does what niggas doe!

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