Cops Shoot Man In The Back

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
20,397 Views 1 decade ago Police

I don't have a problem with this asshole being dead. He stole a car and was in a 40 minute police chase. Fuck him. However, I do have a problem with the cops shooting him in the back while h... Show more

  • 4drsmorewhores June 15, 2022

    He put his hands up after he was shot. That is not home base- this isnt play-yard tag.

  • zonk February 1, 2014

    No, he didnt have his hands raised when he was shot. He did initially raise hands but then turned and tried to get in vehicle. SO cops are supposed to let this fucking monkey get back in the car to grab a gun or run some innocent bystander over? I dont think so. That piece of shit got what he deserved and is now paid for. When you have a cop pointing a gun at you, you follow instructions or you get shot - PERIOD. Duh

  • bennyboy19 January 30, 2014

    The only real crime here is filming like a fucking asshole.

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