Whoa, that really caught me off guard. When they said he was a cop, I was expecting him to pull the old guy out of the car, tase him a few times, beat him with his nightstick and drop some k...Whoa, that really caught me off guard. When they said he was a cop, I was expecting him to pull the old guy out of the car, tase him a few times, beat him with his nightstick and drop some knees on his head, all while yelling, "Stop resisting! Stop resisting!" Miraculously he was somehow able to disregard everything he was taught in the police academy and actually do something good and helpful. Wow!
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I would die for a good cop but would gladly pour gas on a burning bad one.
i bet he still arrested the old guy on destruction of private property and reckless driving charges
There might be some hope for those worthless idiot cops yet.