Bitch Has No Table Manners

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20,940 Views 1 decade ago Fights

I don't know what this bitches problem is, but she's ruining a perfectly good dinner by acting out of place. Or she's providing the entertainment, depending on how you look at the situation.... Show more

  • malcommeek January 14, 2020

    He gave her a couple of lessons, so hopefully she'll have better manners now

  • feelnlow July 7, 2014

    Sound adds so much more excitement to fight videos. So I was visualizing some of those old school batman and Robin subtitle's. PoW! pOP! KaZAAM! SmacK,SMaCk! BAnG,BOOM,CraSH!!!!! Ah the good old day's.

  •   dozer67 July 7, 2014

    Why do women think they can hit someone with out retaliation.?

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