New Mexico Deputy Kills An Asshole

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
27,054 Views 1 decade ago Police

This guy tried to grab some chick and throw her in his pickup, but she got away and took off in a car with some other chick, so he chased them and rammed the car to shit. Then the cops showe... Show more

  • cellule August 15, 2014

    He's dead, so the pickup truck went to jail.

  • pussysurveyor August 15, 2014

    Beautiful when a cop shoots the fuck out of some low life turd.

  • captjim August 15, 2014

    @xizang You're fucking retarded. The 4th ammendment applies to everyone in ever state, when you're being attacked you have the right to defend yourself, even dickheaded libs can't deny that. Stop talking about the west like it's 1840 you fucking retard.

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