Would you help the cops catch someone that was running away? This young man decided to. I hope he got some pussy from those cops for his act of bravery. It's the least they could do, since c...Would you help the cops catch someone that was running away? This young man decided to. I hope he got some pussy from those cops for his act of bravery. It's the least they could do, since clearly they can't do their fucking job.
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@captjim : Sure, dismiss the case, like that dumbass who sued whoever for burning himslef with a coffee, so now all disposable cups must have "warning: hot beverage" printed on.. What was that you said about being hit by a car while doing a wheelie on a crouch-rocket?..
If the guy wasn't going to get any piggy pussy for the good deed then he should have least tried to COP" a feel .
Dont be a hero. being a hero gets u killed. They are getting paid and also have guns...he does not! Suspect should have stabbed hero in face
@captjim : Sure, dismiss the case, like that dumbass who sued whoever for burning himslef with a coffee, so now all disposable cups must have "warning: hot beverage" printed on.. What was that you said about being hit by a car while doing a wheelie on a crouch-rocket?..