Slapped Like A Bitch At 7-Eleven

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
28,376 Views 9 years ago Fights

He's a structural fucking engineer and needs to use the fucking bathroom. You probably didn't know this, but that entitles him to a free pastry on his way out. I guess Habib didn't get the m... Show more

  • bobbabooey January 31, 2015

    I know for a fact that 7-11 has bathrooms. They're between the Funyuns and Starburst. The only rule is you can't ask to use them. You just go.

  • assmasterson January 30, 2015

    Too bad Habib didn't shoot that cunt in the dick. Granted, that would have landed him in prison for the next decade or so, but I would have loved to watch it.

  •   dozer67 January 29, 2015

    What the Fuck is going on in this world? is this the result of nuclear fallout from Japan?

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