Skater punk, or victim of pigs?

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Big Jeff
23,959 Views 9 years ago Police

So these cops come to the skate park over a noise complaint because a parent said they were playing music with fowl language. They as the skaters for their IDs and of course they will not co... Show more

  • slopeass4 October 15, 2015

    the cops did nothing wrong, that guy was an idiot.

  • nutball981 July 20, 2015

    Fowl language? Shitty aviary music will get the cops called on you all the time.

  •   big_daddy305 July 19, 2015

    @rodeye2 Maybe it was that song by Meredith Brooks; Bitch? Because that is music with foul language. Stereotyping ass bitch. ALL music can have foul language in it including Country Music (That bitch done stole my heart, but at least I still have my Chevy)

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