Taking this bitch to the next block

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Big Jeff
22,189 Views 9 years ago Fights

This is the first time when someone said take that shit out of here and it was listened to. Phatema is one bad bitch, and you better stop swearing on her momma. So keep her out of your mouth... Show more

  • fireball0929 November 3, 2015

    @big_daddy305 You would have a bad attitude too if they put your white trash asses in an experiment called a project with over population, low opportunity and poor education, better yet strip your whole white race of an education which will have a domino effect on your generation and let’s see how you would behave. You white trash monkeys are already sleeping with your fathers and mothers increasing inbreeding. Most of the retards in the world are from you white trash illiterate neanderthals fucking your own filthy family. Go suck your Dad's dick!! GTFOH!!!!

  • fireball0929 November 3, 2015

    @corruptedsob You would have a bad attitude too if they put your white trash asses in an experiment called a project with over population, low opportunity and poor education, better yet strip your whole white race of an education which will have a domino effect on your generation and let’s see how you would behave. You white trash monkeys are already sleeping with your fathers and mothers increasing inbreeding. Most of the retards in the world are from you white trash illiterate neanderthals fucking your own filthy family. GTFOH!!!!

  • cellule October 23, 2015

    Crack VS PFK.

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