What's up CrazyShitters. I hope you're having as great of a weekend as I am. This is my first attempt at doing the WICS. I'm still figuring out how to use PowerDirector 13, which is why the ...What's up CrazyShitters. I hope you're having as great of a weekend as I am. This is my first attempt at doing the WICS. I'm still figuring out how to use PowerDirector 13, which is why the videos are a bit choppy, different frame rates and all. Let's get back to calling the hotline, even if it's just to whine. Also, good job on this week's top comments. Keep it up. -Bobbabooey
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Fucking awesome - comment of the week.
That will be sweet on my next job application.
*Physics Professor.
*Curer of virgins.
*Criminal genius
*Brain surgeon
*WICS Comment of the Week
Cheers @Bobbabooey.
Oh now i see how bobbabooey says such stupid shit and gets likes.
@sbohica you were right the first time also I'm changing happys name to happybitch
So that should tell you who the big dog is in this new friendship