As the shit popped off in France

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Big Jeff
40,894 Views 9 years ago WTF

It's pretty fucking lame these people went to a death metal show, and it was actually a deadly metal show. Rip all you metalheads.

  •   dozer67 November 18, 2015

    Sorry to say this, but DAMN that was Ironic!!!...

  • bennyboy19 November 17, 2015

    Just nuke Syriah and punish every country helpng ISIS. Could we please all stop buying Fuel/OIL and see them bankrupt, Camelfuckers.

  •   maddog123 November 16, 2015

    This wasn't a job done by towel heads that like goat pussy and lives in tents just saying don't always believe things your told or what you are shown on media play France security tight as a drum how could these sand rats get all this high tech stuff across border and I'm pretty sure you can't just buy bombs timers and machine guns at there wall art it smelled back in 9/11 and it got a smell now it just don't wash and if France goes running in there and starts bombing these fucks and they fuck up and bomb the soviets we are at war war three somebody's got to start it why not this way

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