Another biker hits the streets

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Big Jeff
17,699 Views 9 years ago Accidents

Ok maybe the title was a bit more literal than expected, but still satisfying. He looks like he's hamming it up a bit because he wasn't hit that hard.

  • h0rhay November 17, 2015

    On the gas out of the corner with a car coming on a side entrance. Amateur move. Poor reaction time. Nice aerobatics!

  •   maddog123 November 16, 2015

    That would have killed my old ass last summer I was just sitting on my bike burning one kick stand down and I got a rush and rolled off bike that was it broke three ribs broke shoulder, OK I no who gives a fuck.

  • aquahollic November 16, 2015

    has there ever been a motor scooter overseas that actually completed its trip?

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