Guy Gets Burned Alive

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David G.
26,959 Views 9 years ago Accidents

This guy must have been really pissed them of to get this kind of special treatment. Wasn't enough he got beat up with sticks. They had to burn him alive too.

  • whitechristian January 1, 2016

    @joedumber........ I can see looking at it your way. I saw it as the African video being done to people on purpose the Chinese being an accident. Funny how some people look at life so different than others do. @happjack said: My way of thinking almost turns his stomach. lol

  • joedumber December 31, 2015

    ^^^^I watched them, i think the Chinese one is sadder because they were innocently working trying to make a buck and got zapped and then tried to escape and couldn't move because they were frozen to the scaffolding. The African one is typical street justice that continent is wore torn...

  • whitechristian December 31, 2015

    Put........ burning men ......... In the crazy shit search engine.........Burning China men is right under it. Their both good, but the first one is sad.

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