Man Tries to Save Falling Woman

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David G.
27,145 Views 9 years ago Bad Ass Shit

This is new for Asians. Usually you see people get run over and hurt, and nobody stops to help. Not this guy he tried to save a woman who fell from a building. Unfortunately she didn't survi... Show more

  • daweedsmoker March 14, 2017

    fuck them it'll be cooler if he died too

  • captainanus January 1, 2016

    Being "a whirls out" , should have read... being a Girl Scout. Sorry if I offended any whirls out anywhere, whatever that is.

  • captainanus January 1, 2016


    Well jumping on a scale and getting a high reading still does not make you heavier, momentum and the potential of the falling slope does that. Jumping off a wall with a scale tied to your feet, yeh the scale reads 0 but that is because both the person and the scale are accelerating at the same speed. The only way you would be lighter is if you shit yourself or your arm/leg/head fell off, or perhaps she had a ping pong ball show to do that afternoon and being whirls out was prepared and her ammunition fell out half way down, in this case mass is a constant. What you are describing is the appearance of mass change not actual mass change.

    I have not researched any of this its just shit we were taught at the school this teminal velocity thing, it's about the soon to be dead gook meeting the air not the air around her moving toward her. Here is my own little curve ball, if the buildings were really close or she decided to commit hari-Kari down a chimney, would she not go slower?

    The booyaaaa was about the little yellow chap putting his little yellow penis into the remains of the little yellow girl, no fuck you meant at all, I love everybody, but not as much as a wank xxx

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