Cops Protecting And Serving The Hell Out Of A Black Dude

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David G.
22,082 Views 9 years ago Police

Just your friendly neighborhood cops doing what they do best and that is protecting and serving the hell out of you by which I mean beating the fuck out of a black dude. Doesn't look like he... Show more

  • sbohica February 1, 2016

    allcaps, all of a sudden you like to suck big nigger cocks!!!

  •   allcaps February 1, 2016

    @happyjack all of a sudden you turn into fred sanford the fuckin lawyer?

  •   happyjack January 31, 2016

    @Ven0m89 I'll have to take your word on the family guy, I don't watch that one. But a bleeding heart liberal would feel weak and picked on and want to complain about not being treated unfairly. Me on the other hand I EXPECT better for my tax dollars that are taken from me. Never did I mention anything about the guy being Black. I would have wrote the exact same thing if they were beating on a white guy. You sound more liberal than I with your desire to circumnavigate law and have justice in the street. Bury your head in the sand and keep going about your day, but you could get beat or killed by a reckless cop just as easy as the next guy. Nobody is off limits...don't kid yourself.

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