It's always a good idea to pay your debts on time. Looks bad on you when you owe money and don't pay. You'll end up paying either way if not with money you might just end up like this guy. D...It's always a good idea to pay your debts on time. Looks bad on you when you owe money and don't pay. You'll end up paying either way if not with money you might just end up like this guy. Driver knocked him out with a stick in the middle of the street for owing him money.
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Efficient way of stick-shifting.
Dude, how the hell does that sumbitch in that add pound that chick in the ass for a solid 1:32 without blowing his load?
“WITH STICK-UPS!!!” I have not thought of that old commercial scents the MF" EIGHTIES Mrpoop......
LMMF"AO, Robert Hallock
the truckingman.