Crazy Accident Compilation

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David G.
25,689 Views 8 years ago Accidents

Some interesting accidents today and couldn't decide which one to use so I did the only logical thing and made a compilation. 1st up is a guy being ejected from his SUV for not wearing a sea... Show more

  •   rockinron April 8, 2016

    who wants to bet the guy on the bike was asian

  • mrpoop April 8, 2016

    @LHW holy crap, that rat bastard would issue 10,000 tickets a month. That's some crazy shit, bro

  • handsomedevil April 8, 2016

    that's why i rarely drive over 40 mph. it always gives me time to react, and if i do make contact with something/someone, the impact won't be severe. people say i drive like an old man but i could give a fig for what other people say because i'm not dying in some lame ass car accident. i gotta go out in a hail of bullets. there's no other way for me to go.

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