Week In Crazyshit: 1st Week April 2016

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35,924 Views 8 years ago Week in Crazy [Archived]

Hey Bitches this is ouch So at the end of a long ass week at work (60 + hours) I got an early mark last night & My body clock said "You can't go to sleep"! so here I sat with my dick in my h... Show more

  •   ouch April 10, 2016

    @happyjack cool. was the font big enough, in the right spot or would you prefer a change? if so what?

  •   happyjack April 10, 2016

    @Ouch, it would be cool to keep the date stamping. But the point of the stamping was so that those of us who didn't catch a video the first time around, could go and find it if it caught our interest. There is usually a video or 2 on the WICS that I never saw during the week, due to not having time to visit the site that day. I wasn't trying to make some weird video catalogue or anything :-)

  • quackquack April 9, 2016

    Good wics mate, Made in Australia :) oi oi oi

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