Woah. jctbay, you registered just so you could be an asshole for a fleeting moment? Amazing. Now that you've acomplished your goal, perhaps it's time to move on to bigger and better things. Like eating a bullet.
Dear Samara...After months of reading your stupid posts, I finally had to register in order to tell you that you are quite possibly the dumbest bitch in the entire world. Couldn't even imagine how actually having to be around a person like you.
Woah. jctbay, you registered just so you could be an asshole for a fleeting moment? Amazing. Now that you've acomplished your goal, perhaps it's time to move on to bigger and better things. Like eating a bullet.
Dear Samara...After months of reading your stupid posts, I finally had to register in order to tell you that you are quite possibly the dumbest bitch in the entire world. Couldn't even imagine how actually having to be around a person like you.