Cop Ran Over During Traffic Stop

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David G.
21,947 Views 8 years ago Police

State trooper stopped a woman over a traffic violation and ended up getting runover and hit by a truck

  • shitbagzz June 7, 2021

    well that's going to leave a bruise...

  • bb71 August 7, 2016

    @prodeath I've heard horror stories about Massholes too. I've not had the displeasure of driving with them yet though.

  • breakfastblunt August 6, 2016

    Also, why does it take so fucking long for drivers, who run people over, to get out of their car? The lady who was pulled over obviously tried multiple times to open her door. She was able to crawl out of the window and run to the officer before the driver of the van even opened their door.

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