Bambi Is Pissed

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David G.
31,402 Views 8 years ago Animals

Woman hits a deer while driving and Bambi wasn't too happy about it ends up attacking her for it

  •   freddykrueger October 6, 2016

    cops were about to bust mrs. clause with some pre Christmas "snow"...dasher ran up and got all the shit out of there!

  • smallkilling September 30, 2016

    Ok Ok Ok Ok. now i know alot of you never hit a der in your life.... the being said when a deer runs out in front of you what do you do? now watch the video she hit her brakes..... now like most ppl who live in wooded areas they get out of the car to inspect/dispach the poor basturd as seen in the video. then a young buck who dot give a fuck decides this bitch is his new bitch but the mother fucking cops came.


  •   airsporter September 29, 2016

    @truckingman Thank You . That makes some sense now. Thanks for your time... didnt realise the car was being pulled over.

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