What A Shitty Concert

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21,429 Views 1 decade ago

Iron Maiden hits the low point. Ok, I know this is no Iron Maiden, but this guy takes a shit on stage and then rubs it on his face. What happened to the rocking encore? Who poops on stage? I... Show more

  • jason1515 February 28, 2006

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. If this guy tried to participate in a mosh pit, you think anyone would want to participate? HAHAHAHA

  • crisis1837 October 21, 2005


    he has eaten other peoples shit before...and he had several different bands that he had played in...and i agree with a comment above...he does make manson look like a school girl...manson's shit is all stage show...G.G. lived this life on and off stage...at his funeral he was buried in his jacket and jock strap...everyone was partying drinking and when the ran out the took booze out of the casket and started drinking it, pouring som down G.G. corpse until embalming fluid was leaking from his body...

  • gman October 21, 2005


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