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crazyshit-Cory H. User Avatar
crazyshit-Cory H.
8,201 Views 4 years ago User Submissions

Not good.

  • fieryhotwarts November 26, 2020

    Yeah “just say no” doesn’t exactly work here. All it took was one hit for me and I was caught. Shit is SO much more severe and harder to get off of than people give it credit for. It will 100% ruin your life.

  •   mr_krabs November 21, 2020

    They died chasing the purple dragon.

  • boehsa November 21, 2020

    People wanna go ahead and fuck up their lives, up to them. Their body, their choice. Just feeling sorry for these poor medics, who have to take care of the leftover mess.

    Might wanna reconsider the wall, if you want to prevent heroin from coming in freely. But nah, walls are bad and just because President Trump suggested it, you fucktard liberals are all against it. Give it the funding it needs and you will save it five times later, as the whole drug prevention thingie wont be necessary anymore.

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