After a self defense situation, am I allowed to keep parts of the attacker? For example the skull? I would love a beaker made from his skull to drink my wine from.
And everytime I take a sip I say "This is what power really feels like"
By the way the girl who is getting tased and getting hit by a piece of wood is lucky. You do this shit where I am you better put those damn teeth on the curb
After a self defense situation, am I allowed to keep parts of the attacker? For example the skull? I would love a beaker made from his skull to drink my wine from.
And everytime I take a sip I say "This is what power really feels like"
By the way the girl who is getting tased and getting hit by a piece of wood is lucky. You do this shit where I am you better put those damn teeth on the curb
That guy who threw the bin back at the guy had some incredible accuracy