Family Guy : You've Got Aids

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7,332 Views 1 decade ago Celebrities

I bet every doctor on the planet wishes they had some sort of musical group to give the bad news. I'm sure it would makes things so much easier on them.

  • pablosdog July 17, 2006

    koochie is a fucking retard but the fact is it is still mostly spread by gay men and intravenous drug use. Medicos don't want to tell people this but it is extrememly difficult for a man to contract HIV from having sex with a woman. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but there has to be an open sore of some kind. They don't want that to be known because that would give guys an excuse to not wear a condom and, not knowing that they already have it, they could spread it to women. The worst is the so called "Bi-sexual" who takes it in the ass and then brings it home to his woman.

  • koochie_eater July 14, 2006

    I wish i have the AIDS Virus but; I can't.You see;I donate blood to the National Red Cross,twice a year to be honest w/ you.As A Matter of fact i've been doing it for 15 years now.I do know that that if one's blood is infected by anything(AIDS,HIV,Hepatitis B or C,Malaria)They will mail you a letter stating that you are NOT welcome anymore to donate your blood.So far, No letters yet.Nice Shot on your part ,though...

  • bubbacrow July 14, 2006

    koochie, u fuckin tard, you know nothing bout nuttin. like why a virus is hard to classify as living or the fact that the cure to rhinovirus( a cold you dipshit) still hasn't been found much less a far more complicated virus like hiv. and what about callin you out 4 the yusaf-ass-eatin snatch that u r is a cheapshot? get yer toynge out of his booter for a min. and maybe i won't have so much ammo to shoot u with.

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